The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Or, just "Yeah Yeah Yeahs". They are a band that I think I could get into if I took the time. But I haven't been AS impressed as I thought I'd be seeing them live, twice now. I shot them at Coachella and thought they were ok. But I wasn't blown away. Even with the guitar player having tons of pedals.

All that aside, they pleased the crowd. The Marquee was sold out. People were happy to be there. Everyone seemed to get along with each other. It was a calm night for music. One of the opening acts, "All Weather", pretty much spoiled the mood. Their obnoxious noise-scream rock got pretty annoying by the second song. It drove half the sold out crowd outside. The lobby area was so full there was literally no where to stand and just get away from the music, and the smoking area was packed.

When the Yeah Yeah Yeahs came on, everyone was inside. Lead singer Karen O always seems happy to be on stage. She had foot operated confetti machines scattered around the floor for her to step on anytime she wanted to give the crowd a boost. Thousands of red foil "Ys" shot out all over the place. It was a fun simple touch. Their massive eye ball back drop that looked tiny at Coachella filled in the room at the Marquee nicely.

Shooting wise, well, its the Marquee. I say that pretty much every time. Keep all the dials maxed out, and pray you can get the shot. There were occasional glints of light to shoot in. But you had to be on your mark.

I am a little jealous of you, luke. I wanted to be at the YYY's concert, but was forced to chose between seeing the YYYs or celebrating my grandmother's 80th birthday. I have to admit, I did think about it for a while....
The YYYs make me feel like it's 1983 and I am 10 again.
It IS! And you ARE!
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