I got a text from my photog friend Jim Louvau that said "Do you want to help me on a shoot with Chester from Linkin Park?" How could I say no right? The shoot was for an upcoming story on azcentral.com promoting the opening of a new Club Tattoo location in Las Vegas. I just worked as an assistant on this. I brought along my studio lights, a white muslin, and my 2 cents.

Jim already had a few locations scouted out downtown, so we just did a few lighting tests before Chester and co arrived.
Chester showed up with Sean Dowdell and wife Thora, Chester's partners at Club Tattoo. The entire shoot was pretty calm. Jim and Chester go back a ways, so there were no real jitters to speak of. Everybody was cool and respectful. The whole thing went smooth and without a hitch. I'm posting these behind-the-scenes photos... but when Jim has a few of the photos ready I will post them here... or at least a link to them. I was a stand in for a lighting test at one point... so you'll get to see that... yea.
For the white muslin background shots, we set up in a break room at the AZ Republic building. We used my 2 large studio lights, and ended up keeping the over head fluorescents on too. Probably a no-no to most photogs... but we were happy with the results. Then, in the alley way, we used 2 Canon speedlight flashes (a 580ex and a 550ex) on stands with a remote. At one point, Jim was taking photos really fast, to the point where the flashes couldn't keep up... it made for some really neat lighting tho. One flash would fire, then both, the just one. It was a neat malfunction! :) This shoot has made me really want to get a proper flash and remote!
Chester showed up with Sean Dowdell and wife Thora, Chester's partners at Club Tattoo. The entire shoot was pretty calm. Jim and Chester go back a ways, so there were no real jitters to speak of. Everybody was cool and respectful. The whole thing went smooth and without a hitch. I'm posting these behind-the-scenes photos... but when Jim has a few of the photos ready I will post them here... or at least a link to them. I was a stand in for a lighting test at one point... so you'll get to see that... yea.
For the white muslin background shots, we set up in a break room at the AZ Republic building. We used my 2 large studio lights, and ended up keeping the over head fluorescents on too. Probably a no-no to most photogs... but we were happy with the results. Then, in the alley way, we used 2 Canon speedlight flashes (a 580ex and a 550ex) on stands with a remote. At one point, Jim was taking photos really fast, to the point where the flashes couldn't keep up... it made for some really neat lighting tho. One flash would fire, then both, the just one. It was a neat malfunction! :) This shoot has made me really want to get a proper flash and remote!